FAQ & Rates

Answers to Common Questions

Do you only work with entrepreneurs and creative types?

Not at all! I enjoy working with a wide variety of folks. I routinely refer out inquiries for children but other than that I would love to talk about how I might help. If we decide that I’m not a good fit I am happy to help connect you with one of the many excellent clinicians in town.

What is the first appointment like?

Every situation is unique but the initial appointment generally involves a lot of information gathering as I try to get a good picture of the best way to help. I tend to be fairly engaged in the process so if you are expecting me to just sit there and nod thoughtfully you might be surprised. Depending on your situation, I generally try to offer some suggestions for gaining some short-term relief towards the end of our initial appointment. If we both agree to move forward, we’ll also discuss logistics such as scheduling and frequency of future appointments.

How much do you charge?

My fee is 175 USD per 50 minute appointment. Billing is through a 3rd party, secure debit/credit card processing service and is set up with a card on file as a part of the paperwork process. I will never see your complete card number. I typically run billing on Fridays for that week’s appointment.

I am not able to provide services free of charge.

What kinds of things do people see you for?

A few of the things I can help with include:

  • Attachment issues
  • Symptoms related to anxiety
  • Symptoms related to depression
  • Family, work or romantic relationship issues
  • General life dissatisfaction, feeling stuck or unfulfilled
  • Development of healthy habits and goals
  • Career transitions

I tend to refer clients under the age of 12 or clients with significant substance abuse issues to clinicians who specialize in working with those populations.

How do I make an appointment?

Contact me through the contact page here and I will try my best to reply within 24 hours. After scheduling an appointment, you will receive an email with a link to a secure online portal to complete paperwork. The appointment will be cancelled if the paperwork is not completed. I am not available for appointments on weekends or after 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time.

How long will I need counseling?

How long you will be in counseling is completely up to you; everyone is different. I have clients who come every week for years because they value the time even when they are not necessarily in crisis. Others come for a brief amount of time and then stop coming when they feel they have accomplished their goals. Frequency of visits and duration of treatment is something I tend to touch base about on a fairly regular basis.

Got a question I haven’t answered? Let’s talk!