How to Avoid the Busyness Trap

How to Avoid the Busyness Trap

For many people, being busy is a badge of honor. It allows them to feel important and valuable based on how in demand their time becomes and how much they are doing. However, other people use staying busy as a way to numb themselves to the things they are feeling and...
How To Have Difficult Conversations

How To Have Difficult Conversations

How many times have you avoided someone or a topic because you know there is a difficult conversation you have to have? Odds are you can think of at least one difficult conversation in your life that you are currently avoiding. What makes a conversation difficult?...
Stonewalling and Gaslighting

Stonewalling and Gaslighting

If you have personally experienced stonewalling or gaslighting from another person, you know first-hand how abusive it can be.  On the other hand, if you have ever been the person doing the stonewalling or gaslighting, you may not realize what is going on or the...
What To Do About The Sunday Blues

What To Do About The Sunday Blues

If you struggle with feeling down or anxious the closer you get to Monday, you’re not alone. In 2015, a global survey by revealed that over 75% of respondents in the U.S. reported having “really bad” Sunday night blues. Get your act together at the end of...
Science Says You Should Go Outside

Science Says You Should Go Outside

UK happiness researcher George MacKerron’s Mappiness Project is an app that allows users to track activities and feelings throughout their day. The results demonstrate that most of us are the least happy at work, more happy on vacation, with friends or listening to...
6 Things Anxious Partners Can Do To Improve Their Relationships

6 Things Anxious Partners Can Do To Improve Their Relationships

Anxiety has a way of invading all aspects of life and can have a significant impact of romantic relationships. Those with anxiety feel misunderstood, invalidated and fearful of rejection while their partners feel alone, impatient and unsupported. If you struggle with...