How To Have Difficult Conversations

How To Have Difficult Conversations

How many times have you avoided someone or a topic because you know there is a difficult conversation you have to have? Odds are you can think of at least one difficult conversation in your life that you are currently avoiding. What makes a conversation difficult?...
Ways to Immediately Improve Relationships

Ways to Immediately Improve Relationships

The vast majority of individuals who reach out to me for help with problematic relationships are more focused on what their partner is doing wrong and needs to change rather than what they themselves can do differently. It is rare that relationship dysfunction occurs...
10 Signs of Secure Attachment in Adults

10 Signs of Secure Attachment in Adults

From our earliest attachments to our primary caregivers, we learn various messages about ourselves and the world around us. If we are loved and cared for by our closest caregivers, we develop a sense of security, providing us with a safe base from which to explore the...
6 Things Anxious Partners Can Do To Improve Their Relationships

6 Things Anxious Partners Can Do To Improve Their Relationships

Anxiety has a way of invading all aspects of life and can have a significant impact of romantic relationships. Those with anxiety feel misunderstood, invalidated and fearful of rejection while their partners feel alone, impatient and unsupported. If you struggle with...
Differentiation: separate but connected

Differentiation: separate but connected

Do you struggle with feeling like you have lost your identity to you relationship? Do you have a long list of hobbies, interests or activities that you used to do before your relationship? Is resentment creeping in between you and your partner? If you can answer...
What’s On My Bookshelf

What’s On My Bookshelf

I have my parents to thank for instilling a love of reading in me from a young age. I read a lot; print, preferably hard cover. Allowing for the fact that books mean different things to different people and even different things to the same people depending on where...